Much of people‘s experience in the past was defined by large hierarchical institutions -- governments, mass media, universities, religious organizations -- that provided stability but were often remote and inaccessible。 If you wanted to progress, you worked your way up the ladder slowly。 If you wanted to start something new or spread a new idea, it was harder without the blessing of these institutions。
新京报:如何评价这次2019中关村论坛?吴柯:这次论坛最大的意义是,提供了一个很好的平台,把各方的思想观点集中在一起,无论是年轻人还是资深老学者,无论是搞软件还是搞硬件的,大家充分交流分享。新京报:如何评价北京近年来的科创能力, 还需要在哪些方面持续发力?
To better use the government‘s money, or make its expenditure more efficient on some key areas, the country aims to build a comprehensive budget performance management system in three to five years to monitor revenues and expenditures of governments at all levels, according to a regulation document released by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Tuesday.
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